序号 |
论文名称 |
第一 作者 |
通讯 作者 |
发表 年月 |
刊物名称(卷(期):页码) |
收录类型 (分区影响因子) |
High-resolution remote sensing data can predict household poverty in pastoral areas, Inner Mongolia, China |
韩鹏 |
张庆 |
2021.01 |
Geography and Sustainability (2(4): 254-263) |
SCI(四区, IF 9.70) |
Soil particle and moisture-related factors determine landward distribution of bacterial communities in a lateral riverside continuum of the Xilin River Basin |
于景丽 |
于景丽 |
2021.05 |
Soil Ecology Letters, (3(4): 303-312) |
SCI(四区, IF 4) |
Assessing Changes in the Landscape Pattern ofWetlands and Its Impact on the Value of Wetland Ecosystem Services in the Yellow River Basin, Inner Mongolia |
云婧 |
王立新 |
2022.09 |
Sustainability (14:6328) |
SCI(四区, IF3.889) |
Water pollution characteristics and infuencing factors of closed lake in a semiarid area: a case study of Daihai Lake, China |
任晓辉 |
于瑞宏 |
2022.07 |
Environmental Earth Sciences (81: 393) |
SCI(四区, IF3.119) |
Aquibacillus kalidii sp. nov., an indole acetic acid-producing endophyte from a shoot of Kalidium cuspidatum, and reclassification of Virgibacillus campisalis Lee et al 2012 as a later heterotypic synonym of Virgibacillus alimentarius Kim et al 2011 |
王海涛 |
孙纪全 |
2021.01 |
Int J Sys Evol Microbiol (71(10): 005030) |
SCI(四区, IF 2.747) |
Luteimonas deserti sp. nov., a novel strain isolated from desert soil. |
黄晓娴 |
孙纪全 |
2021.01 |
Int J Sys Evol Microbiol (71(10): 005048) |
SCI(四区, IF 2.747) |
Gracilibacillus suaedae sp. nov., an indole acetic acid-producing-producing endophyte isolated from a root of Suaeda salsa |
黄晓娴 |
孙纪全 |
2021.12 |
Int J Sys Evol Microbiol (71(12): 005140) |
SCI(四区, IF 2.747) |
Corynebacterium kalidii sp. nov, an endophyte from a shoot of the halophyte Kalidium cuspidatum |
冯嘉怡 |
孙纪全 |
2022.07 |
Archives of Microbiology ( 204:471) |
SCI(四区, IF2.667) |
Effect of Grazing Types on Community-Weighted Mean Functional Traits and Ecosystem Functions on Inner Mongolian Steppe, China |
王雯 |
张景慧 |
2020.09 |
Sustainability ( 12(17):7169) |
SCI(四区, IF2.576) |
Echinicola alkalisoli sp. nov., isolated from saline-alkaline soil |
邢雅婷 |
孙纪全 |
2020.07 |
IJSEM (70(7):4139 -4144) |
SCI(四区, IF2.415) |
Flavobacterium alkalisoli sp. nov., isolated from rhizosphere soil of Suaeda salsa |
徐莲 |
孙纪全 |
2020.06 |
IJSEM (70(6):3888-3898) |
SCI(四区, IF2.415) |
Sphingomonas suaedae sp. nov., a chitin-degrading strain isolated from rhizosphere soil of Suaeda salsa. |
张慧 |
孙纪全 |
2020.06 |
IJSEM (70(6)3816 -3823) |
SCI(四区, IF2.415) |
Lysobacter alkalisoli sp. nov., a chitin-degrading strain isolated from saline soil |
徐莲 |
孙纪全 |
2020.02 |
IJSEM (70(2):1273 -1281) |
SCI(四区, IF2.415) |
Ignatzschineria rhizosphaerae sp. nov. isolated from rhizosphere soil of the halophyte Kalidium cuspidatum |
冯嘉怡 |
孙纪全 |
2022.10 |
Current Microbiology (79: 315) |
SCI(四区, IF2.343) |
Marinilactibacillus kalidii sp. nov., an indole acetic acid-producing endophyte from a shoot of halophyte |
黄晓娴 |
孙纪全 |
2022.07 |
Current Microbiology (79:198) |
SCI(四区, IF2.343) |
Pseudomonas pratensis sp. nov., Isolated from Grassland Soil from Inner Mongolia |
张萌 |
包智华 |
2021.06 |
Current Microbiology (78:789–795) |
SCI(四区, IF 2.2) |
Ruania alkalisoli sp. nov., isolated from saline-alkaline soil |
孙纪全 |
孙纪全 |
2021.07 |
Current Microbiology (78: 3285–3291) |
SCI(四区, IF 2.188) |
Enhancement of Bacillus subtilis Growth and Sporulation by Two-Stage Solid-State Fermentation Strategy |
赵志敏 |
赵志敏 |
2019.09 |
Processes (7(10):644) |
SCI(四区, IF1.963) |
Biodiversity dataset of vascular plants and birds in Chinese urban greenspace |
王昕 |
冯刚 |
2021.07 |
Ecological Research (36: 755-761) |
SCI(四区, IF 1.917) |
Spatiotemporal variability of phytoplankton functional groups in a shallow eutrophic lake from cold, arid regions |
金业 |
于瑞宏 |
2020.05 |
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (192(6):371) |
SCI(四区, IF1.903) |
Comprehensive evaluation and scenario simulation of carrying capacity of water resources in Mu Us sandy land China |
刘璐瑶 |
张庆 |
2022.07 |
Water Supply (22 ( 9): 7256) |
SCI(四区, IF1.768) |
Potential low-cost biosorbent modified from yard waste for acid-fuchsin removal. |
马华 |
冯凌 |
2020.08 |
Journal of Environmental Engineering (146(8):0402008) |
SCI(四区, IF1.66) |
Analysis of optimal environmental conditions for Microcystis blooms in large, shallow, eutrophic lakes |
李美霞 |
于瑞宏 |
2021.03 |
All life (14(1): 340-354) |
SCI(四区, IF 1.649) |
Analyzing the distribution and variation of Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) in the Yellow River Estuary (YRE) using Landsat 8 OLI |
李瑾 |
郝艳玲 |
2021.11 |
Regional Studies in Marine Science (48: 102064) |
SCI(四区, IF 1.624) |
Complete genome sequence of Sphingobacterium psychroaquaticum strain SJ-25, an aerobic bacterium capable of suppressing fungal pathogens |
徐莲 |
孙纪全 |
2019.01 |
Current Microbiology(77(1):115-122) |
SCI(四区, IF1.595) |
Pseudomonas pratensis sp. nov., isolated from grassland soil from Inner Mongolia, China |
张萌 |
包智华 |
2020.11 |
Current Microbiology(78: 789-795) |
SCI(四区, IF1.519) |
Community phylogenetic structure of grasslands and its relationship with environmental factors on the Mongolian Plateau |
董雷 |
梁存柱 |
2019.06 |
Journal of Arid Land (11(4):595-607) |
SCI(四区, IF1.357) |
The identity of Phlomoides pararotata (Lamiaceae, Lamioideae) |
赵越 |
梁存柱 |
2021.11 |
Phytotaxa (524 (2): 107–113) |
SCI(四区, IF 1.171) |
Physical, chemical, and surface charge properties of bauxite residue derived from a combined process |
任杰 |
杜平 |
2019.02 |
Journal of Central South University (26(2):373-382) |
SCI(四区, IF0.973) |
Saussurea yiwuensis (Asteraceae), a new species from Xinjiang, China |
旭日 |
赵利清 |
2020.01 |
Annales Botanici Fennici(57(1-3): 159-161) |
SCI(四区, IF0.574) |